Monday 5 December 2011

Tweet that

*Cue big fanfare* I have finally joined the modern computer age. Though I am still to use the internet at any length on my phone, I do have a swanky (read: at least two years old) ipod touch and I'm prepared to use it. That's right - I have finally joined the Twitter revolution.

Follow me (please! I only have one follower so far) @penenvy.

It is proving to be very useful as I'm following some big TV production companies, some writers and some literary agents. It's great to be uptodate on any news, job info or things I should know about in the world of words.

Watch this space, I think this Twitter thing could catch on...

1 comment:

  1. I meant to say *shameless self-promotion* if you write (or read. or edit) and tweet follow me @PenEnvy
