Monday 5 December 2011

Black Mirror

When I first saw the channel four ads for the first episode of Black Mirror it looked like some slightly rubbish drama for the 'safe viewing' brigade, complete with kidnapped royalty and race against time to get her back. Like a soft-focus low-budget 24. But then I read a review in the Saturday paper and two little words changed everything for me: Charlie Brooker. Man, Brooker is just great. Really great. I can't get enough of his lovely angry ways and despite his rant-ridden writing what he is communicating is still full of logical points and balanced opinions. It was definitely appointment to watch stuff.

As the show started I began to realise why one major point was left out of the trailers - you can't refer to the PM having sex with a pig before the watershed. I mean, I haven't read the rule specifically worded like that by Ofcom but I think it's safe to assume. The premise of the show was a mixture of dark, funny, clever and awe-inspiringly dumb. So dumb it came back round to clever again. I would love to have sat in on the pitch meeting for that show. It was like a game of political 'Would You Rather?' (perhaps a late night drinking game over at the Brooker-Huq household inspired the theme. You never know.) The script was pitch-perfect in being dramatic and witty, whilst not falling into slap-stick territory. Which could so easily happen in a show that refers to an hour long sex scene with an enormous grunting sow (no unfeminist jokes at the expense of any actresses please. Unless it's Miss Piggy, who I think has had that accusation levelled at her before...)

After feeling like the Will He/ Won't He question would dominate the episode Brooker hits us with not one but three twists. And I loved the final scene, demonstrating public versus private images. I will definitely be tuning in to next week's episode.

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