Wednesday 26 May 2010

Script one, draft one: complete

In the words of several American teen tv stars: O. M. G.

I have just typed the last few lines of my first piece of dialogue. I’m pretty sure it’s brimming with typos, glaring clichés and enough wooden discourse to keep The Bold and the Beautiful in cliff-hangers for the next year but hell – it’s all mine! All one hundred and ten pages of it, and I’m pretty proud.

I have sent the script off to both contacts I did reading for on the feedback exchange and will eagerly await their responses. Hopefully my skin will be thick enough, and I think I’m suitably prepared for a mauling. At present I just want to learn as much as possible as quickly as possible, and this seems like the best way to do it. In ten years time when I re-read my first full length script no doubt I’ll be cringing and biting my knuckles in shame.

Conference call with The Artists’ Studio tomorrow. No rest for the wicked.

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