Thursday 29 April 2010


Busy week so far – a bit of plate-spinning in my real day job (ie the one I get paid for) and off to Paris tomorrow for the bank holiday weekend – pleasure, not business.

I also sent my first script report as part of the Feedback Exchange. Haven’t heard anything back though – eeek – does that mean I was too harsh? I really enjoyed the script, and obviously outlined what I enjoyed, but also made lots of less than positive points too. Not because the script was bad, but because I assume that to be more helpful than just saying it’s great and wishing them well. After all, it’s just the opinion of one less-than-experienced wannabe.

I’m also in the process of sending my first bit of analysis to The Artists’ Studio, though they’ve asked me to suggest writers for a book adaptation, which is much more difficult than I imagined. I’ve done a bit of heavy imdb use and hope they’ll be happy enough with the result. I’m putting off sending it in case inspiration strikes, but it’s gone 9pm and my bag for Paris remains unpacked.

1 comment:

  1. Sent. Waiting for feedback from Julian at Artist's Studio now too. We'll see...
