Wednesday 7 April 2010

On a roll!

What a thoroughly great day. It just goes to show how variable this writing malarkey is. Just last week I was whinging, frustrated and completely up to my eye-balls in writer’s block but this week I’m 55 pages in on a script I don’t completely hate.

I started today by reading aloud everything I had written so far. This is a technique I’d definitely recommend as it helps you see where things don’t flow quite right, or even something as straightforward as a repeated word or phrase. Reading aloud took about 35 minutes, which really made me feel like I have an actual script in my hot little hands. I also had a revelation the other night while watching Jonathan Creek episode Judas Tree (written by David Renwick, who I just checked out on imdb and he’s been writing since well before I was born. Little facts like that definitely give me hope, knowing he’s been honing his technique for so long. I do love a bit of Jonathan Creek) and realised my plucky PC needs a side-kick, or at least someone to bounce ideas off. As a result of this the relationship between young PC and her boss has become more nurturing, and less weirdly sexual – which was kind of the gross way it was heading before. I have also developed the role of a teenage boy in a wheelchair as someone who sees everything that goes on (a little bit Hitchcock, Rear Window perhaps?) into something a bit more rounded.

Also a busy week on the script front; I spoke to Gub Neal on Thursday and he sent me a script, Atoll, (which I loved) and we’re meeting up to talk about tomorrow. I am yet to get stuck into Angels, the script I was sent off the back of the Feedback Exchange, after a busy weekend over Easter. I’m aiming to put something together this weekend, and have also been contacted by someone else about a drama pilot to read.

Hey, maybe I can officially call myself a freelancer now! It’s certainly beginning to feel a bit more like it.

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