Friday 21 January 2011

Jobs, jobs, jobs

Just when I thought BBC jobs were internal applicants only three relevant ones appear on their jobs website:

Script researcher, Holby City
Trainee script editor, Holby City
Assistant script editor, Holby City

However the BBC are really being firm on their request for experience; I've had to use some elastic truths. But luckily I have been freelancing for almost a year (though only one day a week!) so am able to tick the box almost guilt free. It is frustrating when you think about getting that first bit of experience. The advice used to be to get work experience, but my placement at Holby City counts for nothing nowadays. It's really beyond me how anyone gets a break. I just have to cross all my fingers and toes - by now they should have seen my name crop up on applications a few times so they might start to get the message. The job of choice from the above would be the trainee script editor on Holby - pretty much an ideal way in. Hopefully the fact that I've applied to all three won't harm my chances.

I'm not feeling particularly positive - a year of rejections will do that to a girl - but as ol' George Michael advises: have faith.

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