Tuesday 17 April 2012

Filling in the blanks

It's been a rollercoaster few months. First there was teaching or, as I like to call it, wishing bad things on Michael Gove. I knew it wasn't for me - I missed the interaction of adults, I missed learning from people and being creative. I also yearned for the career in television that I thought I'd given up on. Well, the lastest is I certainly haven't given up hope. I'm back in the game!

I've worked too hard to give up now, and who knows whether I would have been just around the corner from suceeding when I gave up? Turns out I sort of was. Although quitting teaching was a hard decision at the time I now can't believe I ever thought it was a good idea! I have been looking for a new job, have found one and couldn't be happier. I haven't just found one job either - got myself two of 'em! Will be working full time at an amazing London theatre in the development department, and in my free time have as much freelance work as I need with one of the best (in my opinion) TV production companies around. Happy days.

I'm obviously not there yet, but feel like I'm well on the way.

Just keep ploughing on.

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