Tuesday 26 October 2010

Late night tales

I feel like I'm back at uni. After weeks of festering inactivity on the writing front I'm getting involved with the BBC In the Red rapid response short script competition.

I worked on my script, which is about military cuts, for much of yesterday but there's still plenty to do on it. Came home from work and cracked on with the script pretty much straight away. It's now twenty to one and I've got the old style Essay Crisis feeling of 'oh god, this is twaddle but getting something on the page is the main thing.'

I'm off to bed now, with time for one last quick edit tomorrow lunch and off it goes. I'm not 100% happy with quite a few scenes, but I suppose that's the point of a rapid response piece. The brief was to take a few risks and write outside your comfort zone, which I definitely feel I have.

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