Thursday 18 March 2010

Wanted: Honest criticism for crisis of confidence.

Today is NOT going well. It’s my Day Off, as people keep calling it. But it isn’t like holiday because I still sit at a desk all day long in front of a computer and procrastinate. Part of my procrastination has involved checking out other people’s blogs (discovered Scriptuality and The Jobbing Scriptwriter – both by actual real writers who get paid. Imagine that) and the conclusion I have come to is that my blog is a lot of irrelevant and self-important toss. Dammit.

I have written six pages today so far. Six! And one of those was my shopping list. I don’t know how people do this full time. I’m off to the supermarket now, so at least one of those six pages will prove to be useful.

I think I need some writerly encouragement. Another scriptwriter who can point me in the wrong direction. Next week am meeting up with some people I took my first St Martins writing course with and hopefully that should spur me on. It’s just so embarrassing offering up a piece of writing that I have no idea about up for criticism. When I write prose and re-read it I can tell if it’s my best work. With scripts I know the characters so well, the intonation I intend and the subtext behind their words that it’s hard to discern whether that comes through to a reader. Help!


  1. End of the day, 6pm, and I'm up to 25 pages. I don't know if that's 25 pages of nonsense, but I would guess it's about a ratio of 50:50 salvagable work. Not a bad place to start, and in a few weeks time I'll let the editing commence.

  2. I liked your reference to the Leicester Mercury 2 posts back!
