Monday 1 November 2010

The Little House (ITV)

It seems to be ITVs 'Freaky Family' season, after last month's remake of Bouquet of Barbed Wire, and now The Little House. Written by Ed Whitmore (Identity, Silent Witness, Waking the Dead) it tells of a young mother’s experience as her mother in law muscles in on her life and her newborn baby. Suitable eerie and atmospheric, it is good but not great. There’s nothing that raises it above the other dramas out there. Not a bad thing, but I’m not on the edge of my seat for episode two. Perhaps I’d be in more suspense if the audience was left in doubt as to whether the main character’s paranoia is the result of mental illness or of the mother-in-law’s Machiavellian tendencies. I won’t tell you which it is, just in case you haven’t sussed it yet. Clue: watch the trailer. It’s not subtle.

1 comment:

  1. All these Monday night ITV thrillers are beginning to meld into one for me. Still, The Little House is not as mind-bending awful as Bouquet of Barbed Wire, so that's something.

